APC PHARMACEUTICALS LTD is a leading Pharmaceutical Company in Bangladesh established in the year 1951.The factory is situated in Lokhpur, Fakirhat which is 7 kilometers away from Rupsha Bridge in Khulna City. The Company produces various types of dosage forms which includes tablet, Capsule, Liquid, dry syrup. It Constructed the factory building with new concepts where the penicillin, non-penicillin Cephalosporin and general blocks are separated & dedicated.
APC quickly developed a very Competent sales team, The Company virtually covers every single corner of the rural as well as urban area of Bangladesh.
The Company has always been Committed to serve the nation and its population with the best products and services. It has its main focus on quality and efficacy of the products. Because the company strictly follows Current Good Manufacturing Practices. (CGMP) We have adopted a well defined quality Management System and secured ISO certification.
APC pharmaceuticals ltd is not just a great workplace, but is a great way of life.
- Don’t Compromise on quality.
- Put the needs of the rural population front and center.
- Select, develop and retain talented People.
- Keep operations fast and simple.
- Treat everyone fairly.
- Respect and follow local laws and regulations.

Our aim is to provide patients with better access to high quality, cost effective medicines in key areas through both existing and future products. We will distinguish ourselves through fast, simple and effective services to customers.
Our vision is to build APC pharmaceuticals ltd into a world class and leading specialty pharmaceuticals company for human drugs


Bangladesh is the 8th largest populated country in the world, With 140 million people this country makes a very big market for the- pharmaceutical companies during 1990s, this country has been huge investment in manufacturing in manufacturing finished drugs. So far about 270 pharmaceutical companies has been established which cranked up 70 billion take in sales in the year of 2007. Now Bangladesh is exporting the pharmaceutical to abroad.
Manufacturing of finished drug is rather a straight forward process and the technology is readily available. Required human resources for such manufacturing process routinely being trained in the local university at their pharmacy departments all the necessary factors to invest in finished formulation were positive and hence this sector has been exponential growth.
Finished drugs terms, are mixture of some active ingredients and some inactive ingredients at right proportion (in technical terms chemically reversible process). Active ingredients are the material that does the therapeutic function and called. Active Pharmaceutical ingredients or AP is Inactive ingredients have many different purpose (e.g. binding of the materials taste etc.) other than any therapeutic significance. 30-40% cost of goods of finished drugs involves the Apis, rest of the cost being the inactive materials, energy and other costs.
New and very expensive products are coming into the market every year. The newest molecules are much more complicated to manufacture and brings the highest profitability. It is the high time for Bangladeshi investors to venture into such project.
To seize this opportunity the proposed company "A.P.C Pharmaceuticals Ltd." is intend to enhance there existing project to start up company which envisions manufacturing more new pharmaceuticals for human. Bangladesh has been seen surge in demand in therapeutic materials in the last decade. During 90s production of finished drugs has increased by many folds. Although huge amount of investment has flown into finished drug manufacturing industry.
The company is proposing to manufacture related key medicine. The company envisions manufacturing most demanded & popular Products. Through the company is producing- important product. The promoters light to add some new product and as well as this project should be BMRE at the earliest.
A.P.C Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (BMRE)
To prepare general and highly sophisticated life savings drugs and medicines in affordable price to serve ailing humanity is the prime objective of the project.
To produce quality medicine for local market, as well as to enter into the export market and to generate employment (initially 300 direct employees) in the country and also to contribute significantly in developing the ancillary industries.
After successful commissioning, operation and creation of a pole of quality sensitive efficient manpower, the management will go for further expansion of the project in later stages for newer technology like biotechnology.
Our Products
SL | Heading | Date |
SL | Post Name | Description | Start Date | End Date |
1 | ডিস্ট্রিবিউটর/ এমপিও | জরুরী প্রয়োজনে নিম্নোক্ত জেলায় ডিস্ট্রিবিউটর/এম.পি.ও পদে লোক নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে। আগ্রহী প্রার্থীদের নিম্ন ঠিকানায় আবেদনপত্র, ছবি ও অন্যান্য কাগজপত্র পাঠাতে বলা হল। এছাড়াও E-mail-এ আবেদনপত্র পাঠাতে পারবেন। অর্থনৈতিক সুবিধা আলোচনার মাধ্যমে ঠিক করা হবে। জেলা সমূহ নিম্নরূপ: বরিশাল, ভোলা, পটুয়াখালী, বরগুনা, ঝালকাঠি, পিরোজপুর, চাঁদপুর, লক্ষীপুর, ফেনী, নোয়াখালী, কুমিল্লা, বি-বাড়িয়া, সিলেট, হবিগঞ্জ, মৌলভীবাজার, টাঙ্গাইল, শেরপুর, জামালপুর, […] | 14/12/2022 | 31/12/2022 |
2 | ডিস্ট্রিবিউটর | পল্লী চিকিৎসক কাম কেমিষ্ট এর দৃষ্টি আকর্ষন করে কোম্পানী ও.টি.সি মূল্যে কুরিয়ার সার্ভিসের মাধ্যমে কন্ডিশনে ঔষধ সরবরাহ করার সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহন করেছে। এই নীতিমালায় এপিসি ফার্মাসিউটিক্যালস্ লিমিটেড এর সাথে ব্যবসা করলে পল্লী চিকিৎসক কাম কেমিষ্টগণ লাভবান হতে পারবেন। সরাসরি/ডাকযোগে/E-mail-এ আবেদন পাঠানো যাবে। এপিসি ফার্মাসিউটিক্যালস্ লিমিটেড ৩০, কেডিএ এ্যাপ্রোচ রোড, সোনাডাঙ্গা, খুলনা। মোবা.: ০১৭১১-২৫১৩৫২, E-mail: apcpharma@gmail.com | 27/05/2021 | 30/06/2021 |
3 | ডিস্ট্রিবিউটর | জেলাভিত্তিক ডিস্টিবিউটর/স্টকিস্ট/বিক্রয় প্রতিনিধি প্রয়োজন। E-mail-এ আবেদন পাঠাতে বলা হল। যোগাযোগের ঠিকানা- 30, কেডিএ এ্যাপ্রোচ রোড, সোনাডাঙ্গা, খুলনা। মোবাইল নম্বর- 01711251352. E-mail: apcpharma@gmail.com. | 30/05/2020 | 15/06/2020 |
4 | QA Officer | QA Officer APC Pharmaceuticals Ltd. No. of Vacancies 05 Job Description / Responsibility Management of quality assurance processes in-line with company policy from product development, sample evaluation, per-production meetings through to final production. Job Nature Full-time Educational Requirements Pharm/ M. Pharm with good academic background from any reputed University. Experience Requirements 2 to 5 year(s) […] | 24/05/2016 | 30/06/2016 |

Head Office :
APC Pharmaceuticals Limited
30, K.D.A Approach Road,
Sonadanga, Khulna-9000.
E-mail: apcpharma@gmail.com
Phone: +88-24-77725868, 01711-251352
Dhaka Corporate Office :
370/371, Auter Circular Road
Rajarbag-1217, Dhaka.
Phone: 01711-805514, 01855-987425